Clare, MI – May 29 & 30, 2025

In partnership with “MAPS,” the Michigan Association of Professional Santas
and their annual “Jingle Joy Retreat!”

Rooftop Reindeer
2706 E Stevenson Lake Road
Clare, MI 48617
(517) 749-4866


This is a very special school being held in conjunction with the annual “Jingle Joy Retreat,” hosted by “MAPS,” the Michigan Association of Professional Santas at the Reindeer Ranch.   All details are still being finalized, but the dates and location are confirmed.  

The first two days, Thursday and Friday, May 29 & 30, I will personally present a two-day session of my IUSC School4Santas.  This will be a full 16 hours of training from 8 am to 5 pm each day.  Evenings will be optional dining and special activities hosted by members of MAPS.  Everyone is invited to attend. 

The following day, May 31 will be special fun and festivities of the “Jingle Joy Retreat.”  This includes all kinds of activities at the Reindeer Farm, including opportunities to take photos with the Reindeer. 

Click here for information and some history on the Rooftop Landing Reindeer Farm

But to register for the weekend, please check back in a few days, as all details are being finalized.  As soon as the details are confirmed, I will add that information to this page and post a link which will take you to the special MAPS registration page.  They will handle all registration, and scheduling for this wonderful weekend. 

One of my firm beliefs is that Santas need to start early in the year if they want to make the best of the training they are receiving. So, getting your training done by summers-end allows you the time necessary to apply what you have learned.

As with all of our schools, this is for all Santas, Mrs. Claus and those interested in the Santa industry. Whether you are real-bearded or theatrically bearded; professional or just a volunteer, this school has something for everyone.

LODGING – Best Western, 10100 S. Clare Avenue, Clare, MI  48618.  Call for Registrations: 989-229-3000 Let them know you’re with MAPS, Tell them you are with MAPS discount. $106 per night / Two Queen beds,  $96 per night / King Size bed


SCHOOL SCHEDULE – The Muskegon school schedule is from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm each day. For the full agenda click here.  Prior to attending the school all students are invited to watch “The History of Santa Claus,” a special video on YouTube:  

SANTA CLAUS OATH – Prior to graduation, around 4:00 pm on Friday, I will host a presentation of the Santa Claus Oath. All Santas and Mrs. Claus from the region are most welcome to join the class in the Oath ceremony. One does not need to attend the school in order to take part in the ceremony. Special Oath certificates, suitable for framing will be presented to all attendees.

GRADUATION – Finally, at the close of class on Friday, around 4:30 p.m. we will hold a ceremony to present diplomas to all students.

QUESTIONS – Should you have any questions, you can email me: