Red Suit Society 2024

The official Alumni Association of the
International University of Santa Claus
aka: School4Santas

Click here to view the 2024 Red Suit Society Roster

Who: The Red Suit Society is a very special group of almost 3,800 Holiday Professionals.  They are called by numerous names: Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus, Kris Kringle, Mrs. Claus, Cindy Claus, Krissy Kringle, and many others, as the culture of their motherlands and the fantasy that is Christmas has created.  What ties these individuals together is that most are alumni of the International University of Santa Claus, aka: “School4Santas.

“The International University of Santa Claus has presented over 5,500 diplomas to 3,795 individuals that, as of 12/31/24, comprise this 2024 Roster.  Of these 1,159 are Mrs. Claus and/or wives who support their Santa.   Of the 3,795, over 1,715 have attended two or more School4Santa schools. 

NOTE: Should you find that your name is not on the Roster and you know you should be there, please contact:

The Red Suit Society was started in 2003 as a listing of the alumni for the International University of Santa Claus, aka: School4Santas. The idea was alumni were individuals that have accomplished something special by investing their own personal time to improve or enhance their representation of Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas or another Holiday Persona.

Since its beginning, the list has been expanded to include other accomplished Santas, Mrs. Claus and Holiday professionals.   

This is a special Society of men and women whose personal contributions, studies, and volunteer efforts demonstrate that they share the responsibility to maintain and perpetuate the magic and mystery of Santa Claus.  Each of them has shown a commitment to following the traditions and history associated with Saint Nicholas.

Members come from all walks of life: Most common are the everyday parents and grandparents.  But they are also teachers, policemen & firemen, Clergymen, Doctors and Lawyers, members of the media and even famous celebrities. *

Additionally, individuals who have attended other schools or through their work, accomplishments, etc., may also be considered for membership. Being on this list also does not necessarily mean that we have you on a mailing list, although you may be on the school mailing list.  Should you wish to be removed from any mailing list, just let us know.

Possibly one day members will be invited to attend or participate in local, regional or national events.  In addition, each member may list, on their web site, Facebook page or business card, the wording:  “Member – “The Red Suit Society.”

WHAT:     In different ways each member has dedicated a portion of their life to giving joy and happiness to others by following the tradition of ‘Secret Giving” that St. Nicholas demonstrated during his life, over 17 centuries ago.   In addition, each year, they ceremoniously transform, when they put on the famous Red Suit or take on the personality of a holiday figure and commit themselves to continuing the myths, stories, mystery and fantasy, of Santa, Mrs. Claus, the elves and other holiday personalities.

WHY:   Members may be professionals or just volunteers. Most importantly, however, is that they believe in the traditions associated with St. Nicholas and have a desire to continue his practice of Secret Giving and bringing joy to others.

Historians tell us that sometime near the first millennium, over 1000 years ago, a group of French nuns, wanted to do something to reward the good children in their village.  As Saint Nicholas was the patron Saint of children, they baked some little cookies or treats, and in the early morning hours of December 6, the feast day of St. Nicholas, they went through the village leaving  a little treat in the shoes of each  and every child.

All of this was done in secret, following the examples of Saint Nicholas, who was revered for his strong principles and his dedication to the practice of “Secret Giving.”  When the children woke and found the treats, they began asking where they came from?  The nuns simply replied that because the children had been good, St. Nicholas decided to reward them.

Thus began one of the World’s most widely celebrated traditions.   Over the following years, decades and centuries, the simple handiwork of those little nuns has continued, supported by hundreds, then thousands and finally millions of followers who, in the name of Saint Nicholas, found joy in “Secret Giving,” and helping others.

Originally membership in the Red Suit Society, was to be only from those individuals who attended the IUSC/School4Santa schools.  However, that has evolved to include anyone who has purchased the course book or DVD’s.  Other’s may be invited to join the Society based on their personal experiences or training from other similar institutions.   More recently attendance at the International Congress of Santa Claus or the 2006 AORBS Convention has been added.

Most often individuals come to this industry as reluctant participants. Someone ‘volunteers them’ for the job of Santa or a helper.  Reluctantly they accept the position.  But, once they have experienced the magic and joy of the work, they want to become more involved and expand their experience.  They set out to learn more and to become better at representing this timeless symbol of Christmas.

For additional information, suggestions or comments, please contact Santa Tim Connaghan at  or call (631) 871-4901

* The Red Suit Society is a private listing of individuals that meet the requirements above.  There are no dues or fees required to become a member of the Red Suit Society.  As such, there are also no certificates, or other materials at this time.  Selection or appointment to the Red Suit Society is almost automatic upon attending the IUSC.  Selection carries with it no endorsement as to qualifications or performance.  Those selected may list their appointment on any and all materials, correspondence, etc.  All selections or appointments are done at the sole discretion of National Santa Tim Connaghan.  Anyone may request to become a member by submitting a written request via letter or email (do not use messenger or social media), and stating what education, training or accomplishments qualify them to be listed.  We reserve the right to accept, decline or remove anyone we determine does not qualify or no longer qualifies. We will also remove anyone should they request to be removed.