Ph.D Santas

The following is a list of those special Santas and Mrs. Claus who have gone beyond the regular search for knowledge in the “Business of Santa.”  Some are recognized for their achievements and contributions to the Santa community.  Others, in addition to attending the IUSC numerous times in the past fifteen years, have taken the next step and applied for their “Doctorates” by presenting one or more segments during their attendance at a “School4Santas.”   Our congratulations to all of them.

Gordon Bailey, California*
Ron Breach, California*
Wally Cady, Pennsylvania
Paul Chesler, Florida
Richard Christie*Tom Pellitieri, Ohio
Steve Dodd, Southhaven, Mississippi
Diane Dodd, Southhaven, Mississippi
Robert Elkin, Florida*
Bonnie Felten, Wisconsin
Ted Flynn, Stanton, Michigan
Daniel Felten, Wisconsin
Arlyn Grussing, Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Glenn Heald, Georgia
James Herbermann, Florida
Sheila Herbermann, Florida
Jerry Julian, Colorado
Everette Johnson,  Tennessee
Patricia Johnson, Tennesse
James “Randy” Kiddy, North Carolina
Lyle Kroon, South Dakota
Leon McBride, Virginia

Bill Pattison, South Dakota
Jeanne Pattison, South Dakota
John Pickering, Montana
Nancy Pickering, Montana
Joe ‘Santa Jeaux’ Pridgen, Georgia
John Scheuch, Kansas
Mike Smith, Ohio
Nancy Smith, Ohio
Phillip Wenz, Illinois*
John D Williams, Mississippi

Below is the official application to apply for a PhD from the International University of Santa Claus, aka: School4Santas. Alumni of the School who have received their Masters Diploma at a previous school may attend a new class and apply for the PhD to be presented at Graduation.

This is done by submitting a brief outline of what they wish to present or teach at one of the schools. A PhD applicant will be given 20 minutes to make their presentation at the school of their choice. Generally, there is only one PhD presentation on any given day of a school.

Special exemptions may be given to individuals that may not have attended a school, but have demonstrated an expertise and dedication thus earning an opportunity to receive a PhD.

Ph.D. Application

Application for a Ph.D. from the International University of Santa Claus/School4Santas

  • Please give a brief outline or description of your experience, (minimum 5-years as a Santa or Mrs. Claus) other experience in past career if applicable, and references or a list of clients that you have worked for as Santa for Mrs. Claus. This is just a brief idea, 400 characters.
    0 of 400 max characters
  • You can select the subject of your presentation from the list below or select other and explain in the comments box.
  • General comments from applicant or details on the subject to be presented.
    0 of 400 max characters
  • Please check if you will have a power point presentation or handouts

*Honorary Doctorate

Note:  I do try to keep this list updated.  Should you find any errors or ommissions, please contact me immeidately, as I do not wish to slight any of these fine Santas and Mrs. Claus.  Email:

*The diplomas and honors presented by the International University of Santa Claus are presented to Santas and Mrs. Claus in recognition of their investment in furthering their education and knowledge on Santa Claus and the many areas related to the business and activities of being Santa.  The IUSC, aka School4Santas, is not certified as an institution of higher education, nor acredited by the Council for Higher Education (CHEA) nor any organization that is recognized by CHEA.